台灣股票及匯率看盤軟體 - 行動股市匯率即時報價

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Taiwan stock and exchange rate watch software is a set of mobile real-time stock and exchange rate watch software, providing detailed information such as real-time quotes, openings, and gains of Taiwan stocks and ETFs listed on the OTC. Support global real-time exchange rate query and exchange rate conversion quotation functions.

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台灣股票及匯率看盤軟體是一套行動股票及匯率即時報價看盤軟體,提供台灣股市上櫃上市股票及ETF看盤軟體。主要功能包括台股上市上櫃股票即時報價、股票五檔委買委賣明細、開盤、漲幅、損益、技術線圖、財經新聞、股票新聞。個股基本面資訊提供股利發放、本益比、殖利率、投資報酬率、每股淨值、投資報酬率、營業毛利率、股本、總市值等10項個股資料。此外,同時提供匯率查詢及匯率換算,提供各國匯率轉換及新聞。匯率查詢即時報價及匯率換算功能設計友善。可以當成投資工具或出國旅遊時能輕易換算貨幣匯率,主要功能如下:台灣上市上櫃股票:- 上櫃上市股票即時報價- 提供各種技術分析圖表- 股票投資組合損益功能- 最新五檔委買委賣明細- 開盤、漲幅等詳細資訊- 個股基本面資訊面資訊- 大盤報價及更新的時間- 各大股市財經網站入口- 個股主力當日進出資料- 提供國際大盤指數功能- 提供三頁股票使用清單- 新增、刪除及編輯股票- 股票號碼新增選擇股票- 股票名稱新增選擇股票- 較大字幕報價資訊顯示- 個股連結 YAHOO 新聞- 連結 YAHOO 走勢線圖- 連結 YAHOO 技術線圖- 股票資料來源連線設定- 提供白色以及黑色主題- 支持ETF即時報價功能支持財經部落格網站入口如下:綠角財經筆記、地球人抱抱-王志鈞、挖股誌、投資客日誌、幣圖誌、湯財手記、HC愛筆記財經、寒雨竹軒、大詩人的寂寞投資筆記、PG財經筆記、齊克用-全方位財富管理、楓葉資料室、富朋友理財記、麥樹仁投資社群網站、財報狗培訓之窩及楚狂人的投資筆記。全球匯率:- 即時匯率查詢報價- 匯率各報價趨勢圖- 支持各國匯率新聞- 可以離線計算使用- 匯率計算機功能性- 白色以及黑色主題- 設定小數點個位數- 同時查詢多國匯率- 匯率換算清楚容易- 支援全球國家貨幣- 可以變換基底貨幣- 大且清楚設計畫面- 可選擇查詢的貨幣- 國旗對應貨幣顯示投資市場充滿機會,也存在許多的威脅,投資朋友小心謹慎為上。不管你是短線、中線或長線投資股票誠懇建議您熟悉股票及匯率相關技術及資訊。當然,投資朋友您一定也需要一支簡單好用股票及匯率APP程式,可以隨時關心檢視你手中的股票及貨幣價值。希望我們推出的即時股票匯率軟體能在你投資路上有所助益,本行動股票匯率財經軟體僅提供股票及匯率報價學術研究功能,因任何資料之不正確、資訊錯誤、延誤或疏漏所衍生之損害或損失,皆不負法律責任。台灣股票及匯率看盤軟體 衷心祝福您投資一帆風順資料來源: 雅虎財經及谷歌財經國旗圖片來源: stock and exchange rate watch software is a set of mobile stock and exchange rate real-time quotation watch software, providing Taiwan stock market listed stocks and ETF watch software. The main functions include real-time quotation of Taiwan stocks listed on the OTC, stock five-tier commission selling details, opening, gains, profit and loss, technical line graphs, financial news, and stock news. Fundamental information of individual stocks provides information on 10 individual stocks, including dividend distribution, price-to-earnings ratio, yield, return on investment, net value per share, return on investment, operating margin, equity, and total market value. In addition, exchange rate query and exchange rate conversion are provided at the same time, and exchange rate conversion and news of various countries are provided. The exchange rate query real-time quotation and exchange rate conversion functions are friendly in design. It can be used as an investment tool or can easily convert currency exchange rates when traveling abroad. The main functions are as follows:Taiwan listed stocks:-Real-time quotes of listed stocks on the OTC-Provide various technical analysis charts-Stock portfolio profit and loss function-The latest five tiers of commissioned buying and selling details-Detailed information on opening, increase, etc.-Fundamental information of individual stocks-Market quotation and update time-Entrance of major stock market financial websites-Inbound and outbound data of the main stocks of individual stocks on the day-Provide international market index function-Provide a three-page stock usage checklist-Add, delete and edit stocks-Add stock number to select stock-Newly selected stocks for stock names-Larger subtitle quotation information display-Links to individual stocks YAHOO news-Link YAHOO trend chart-Link YAHOO technical line diagram-Stock data source connection settings-Provide white and black themes-Support ETF real-time quotation functionThe entrance to the supported financial blog website is as follows:Green Corner Finance Notes, People of the Earth Hug-Wang Zhijun, Digging Stocks, Investor Logs, Coin Pics, Tangcai Notes, HC Love Notes Finance, Hanyu Zhuxuan, Great Poet’s Lonely Investment Notes, PG Finance Notes, Qi Key Use-Comprehensive Wealth Management, Maple Leaf Information Room, Wealth Management Journal, Mai Shuren Investment Community Website, Financial Report Dog Training Nest, and Chu Madman’s investment notes.Global exchange rate:-Real-time exchange rate query quotation-Trend chart of exchange rate quotations-Support foreign exchange rate news-Can be calculated and used offline-Exchange rate calculator functionality-White and black themes-Set single digits of decimal point-Query the exchange rate of multiple countries at the same time-Exchange rate conversion is clear and easy-Support global national currencies-The base currency can be changed-Large and clear design screen-You can choose the currency to query-The national flag corresponds to the currency displayThe investment market is full of opportunities and there are also many threats. Investing friends should be cautious. Whether you are investing in stocks in the short-term, mid-term or long-term terms, we sincerely recommend that you are familiar with stocks and exchange rate related technologies and information.Of course, investment friends you must also need a simple and easy-to-use stock and exchange rate APP program, you can always care about checking the stock and currency value in your hands. We hope that our real-time stock exchange rate software can be helpful to your investment. This mobile stock exchange rate financial software only provides academic research functions for stock and exchange rate quotes, which are derived from any incorrect information, information errors, delays or omissions No legal liability is assumed for damage or loss.Taiwan stock and exchange rate watch software, sincerely wish you all the best in your investmentSource: Yahoo Finance and Google FinanceNational flag image source:新版本相容於Android S(12)。